
How to Winterize Your Home Against Pests

Prepare your home for winter, not just against the chill, but against pests too. In this guide, discover essential steps to safeguard your home from pests this winter, with help from Clark’s.


Around Your Property

  • Leaf-Free Zone
    • Remove leaf litter to eliminate hiding spots for pests.
  • Weed-Free Territory
    • Clear weeds to cut off food sources for rodents.
  • Wood Wisdom
    • Store wood away from structures to reduce the risk of pests.
  • Landscaping Defense
    • Trim bushes and grass to create less favorable conditions for rodents.
  • Water Woes
    • Dispose of standing water sources to prevent pest-friendly conditions.
  • Drain Drama
    • Regularly drain items like pool covers to eliminate breeding sites.

Ready to protect your home from pests? Call Clark’s at 866-781-4991!


Within Your Walls

  • Pantry Patrol
    • Inspect pantry items to prevent stored product pests.
  • Ornamental Oversight
    • Check ornamental food items for infestations during storage.
  • Seal the Deal
    • Use outdoor sealant to close gaps and keep insects out.
  • Steel Wool Shield
    • Seal openings with coarse steel wool to keep mice away.
  • Energy Efficiency
    • Install door sweeps for energy conservation and pest deterrence.
  • Gutter Guardian
    • Clear gutters to prevent conditions conducive to pests.

Don’t let pests overwinter in your home. Call 866-781-4991 now!


Outdoor Precautions

  • Seed Security:
    • Store grass seed and birdseed in rodent-proof containers.
  • Feeding Foes:
    • Avoid feeding wildlife to make your property less appealing to pests.
  • Pet Patrol:
    • Remove pet waste to eliminate a potential food source for rodents.
  • Indoor Dining:
    • Avoid outdoor pet feeding to minimize pest attraction.


The Clark’s Solution


Clark’s is more than pest control; it’s a comprehensive pest solution. Our pest professionals identify and seal potential pest entry points, monitor with Anticimex SMART technology, and stay ahead of issues before they become infestations. By following these steps and enlisting Clark’s, you’ll fortify your home against pests. Create a healthier living space for your family this winter with help from Clark’s Termite & Pest Control.



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